How to cut EVA foam sheet?

Views: 58     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-02-11      Origin: Site

                                                    4 methods to cut the eva foam sheet 

Methods 1: 

Cutting by a utility knife, this is a basic and normall cutting way for the thin and small EVA foam sheet which is generally used to cut the samples as A4 size, also trim the edges during the inspection, below is the picture for cutting method of thin EVA foam sheet...

How to cut eva foam sheet

                     Cutting method of thin EVA foam sheet

Methods 2: 

Cutting by a cutting machine which cut straight line and suitable for cutting the thick EVA foam materials like the size of adult mattress, see below image for reference.

EVA faom sheeet cutting

Cutting method of thick EVA foam sheet

Methods 3: 

Engraving and cutting by a semi-automatic machine which suitable for customizing the big and thick EVA foam sheet.

How to cut thck EVA foam sheet

Cutting method of thick EVA foam sheet

Methods 4: 

Cutting by a  semi-automatic machine and production line,  this machine not only can cut the thickness of EVA foam sheet to be customer's requirements, but cut the length of eva foam sheet which suitable for different thickness and big length and width. 

EVA foam sheet cutting line

Cutting method  and  production line of  EVA foam sheet

Do you want to know more about EVA foam sheet?

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