Factory Audit Service


Placeholder ImageFactory Audit Service in China

Factory Audit can uncover problems before production or order confirmation. You can have a clear understanding of your supplier's capabilities, quality control system, management and operating procedures. This enables you to select a qualified supplier with confidence.

When is a suitable time to conduct a Factory Audit?

When you are planning to start new cooperation with either new or existing suppliers, we can help you do a thorough check on the most updated capabilities of the factory.

What criteria are covered in a Factory Audit?

Generally, we will focus on the following aspects during a Factory Audit:

√Company profile (General information) 
√Organization structure
√Production process
 √Production capacity
√Facilities & machinery
 √Quality assurance system
 √Special Requirements from Client


Contact Us

   (+86)-0769-88050188
 Business center: Room 806, Block A, worldecono
mic and trade center No. 11 Dong
guan Avenue, Dongcheng District , 
Dongguan, China
