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die cast aluminum

A list of these die cast aluminum articles makes it easy for you to quickly access relevant information. We have prepared the following professional die cast aluminum, hoping to help solve your questions and better understand the product information you care about.
  • The pros and cons of die casting Vs 3D printing


    For die casting, usually you need invest a lot on the die firstly. Then later you can save a lot cost on the part made by the die. For example, you need to make an aluminum middle sized die casting cover (around 800g), you may need to invest 4K USD on the die casting tooling. But later in mass production, the cost /pcs maybe be around 3-5USD. However, if you use 3D printing , although there is no cost for tooling. The U/P will be around 100-300USD. For sure if the structure has more complicated structure like ribs or slots, the cost will be more. Read More

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