A Letter to Foreign Friends Traveling to Dongguan in China

Views: 17     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-03-08      Origin: Site

Dear foreign friends,

Welcome to the beautiful city of Dongguan. At present, the epidemic control work in Dongguan is at a crucial stage. For the health of all, we hereby make the following suggestions:

According to the requirements of Guangdong Province on epidemic prevention and control work, if you come to Dongguan from countries and regions with grave epidemic situation such as South Korea, Italy, Iran and Japan or if you have a travel history to the above-mentioned countries in the past 14 days, you are required to recieve a 14-day medical observation at home or in designated places. During the period of medical observation at home, please refrain from going outside. We will provide services such as purchasing and delivering food and collecting garbage for you. During the period of medical observation in designated places, we will provide free food and accomodation for you.

If you haven’t traveled to the above-mentioned countries, please also take proper precautions for yourself.Wash your hands frequently, and don’t go around or attend social activities. Wear a mask if you have to go out. If you have symptoms including fever, fatigue or cough, please wear a mask, contact your community and go to the nearest fever clinic or major hospital as soon as possible. Please report your health status to the medical staff of the drug store truthfully if you need the febrifuge or antitussive. If you encounter any difficulties, please call 0769-22830691 for English services, 0769-22830616 for Korean services and 0769-22830635 for Japanese services.

No winter lasts forever, every spring is sure to follow. Dear foreign friends, please rest assured. Dongguan will continue to be inclusive and hospitable to provide the best service for you. We will stand by you to win the battle against the virus!

Dongguan China-Shunho gorup

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   (+86)-0769-88050188
 Business center: Room 806, Block A, worldecono
mic and trade center No. 11 Dong
guan Avenue, Dongcheng District , 
Dongguan, China


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